About Me

Emmi Mutikainen, Emmi's Escapade, artist

I am a visual artist based in Helsinki, Finland. I aim to create pictures for child-minded individuals who need a break from the noise. What particularly inspires me is thought-provoking conflicts of what is and what could be. I am an explorer of the mind, constantly looking for new perspectives. My works tell a story that usually has an animal protagonist. And lately, my favorite has been the ever-elegant giraffe. Also, maybe due to being an architect, the sense of space is often present in my works.

The tension between nature and an environment molded by humans evokes my imagination. Often the story of my art evolves in the making, and although the appearance of the image is childlike, there is also a deeper meaning to it. My stories tiptoe around being human: encounters, endeavors, search, realities, and the like. Playing with the idea of what is possible and what is not and realizing the mind’s limits is often the starting point for my art.

Although I plan my work quite carefully on paper before starting to paint, it is unclear what the outcome will eventually be. The image evolves continually, and sometimes even the theme will change during the making. For the last couple of years, I have been using water-mixable oil colors, which have enabled me to combine two techniques I enjoy the most: watercolors and oil colors.

Now my work is also available on these 100 % biodegradable phone cases. Have a look!